To view the latest Caisse Community Centre Meeting Minutes, please click on the following link:
Board Meeting Minutes November 18 2024
Next Caisse Community Centre Board of Directors meeting scheduled:
8:30 pm, Monday, February 17, 2025
Minutes are to be recorded and be publicly posted within sixty (60) days of the meeting, for a minimum of thirty (30) days, please see 2.3 Board Meetings d) below.
As per the Constitution & By-Laws:
By-Law Two - Operations
Article 2 - Meetings
Annual General Meeting
a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held within two (2) months of the end of the fiscal year.
b) Public notice of the Annual Meeting shall be posted for not less than thirty (30) days.
Special Meeting
a) A Special Meeting of the membership may be held at the request of the President or his/her delegate or upon written request of twenty (20) voting members of the public.
b) Notice of the Special Meeting shall be posted a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. The notice shall include the time, place and reason for the meeting.
Board Meetings
a) The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of nine times per year.
b) Attendance at Board Meetings shall be open to all members.
c) Any group or individual requesting a delegation at a board meeting shall provide written request to do so to any member of the Executive Committee three (3) days prior to a board meeting.
d) Minutes are to be recorded and be publicly posted within sixty (60) days of the meeting, for a minimum of thirty (30) days.
Committee Meetings
a) The Executive Committee at any time may establish subcommittees with such duties and powers it deems to be in the interests of the Centre. Each subcommittee shall be chaired by a Board Director, keep a record of activities and recommendations and the Committee Chair shall report to the Board of Directors at Board Meetings.
b) Subcommittee Meetings may be held as required and at the discretion of the Committee Chair.
c) The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President. Details of all special meetings by the Executive Committee shall be presented at the next Board Meeting.
For the Constitution & By-Laws, please click the link below: