Spring 2024 Fitness Classes
with Dee Romijn and Angela Langina
at the Caisse Community Centre
11 Week Session
~ Monday, April 8th, 2024 to Thursday, June 21st, 2024 ~
Mondays (Dee) / Wednesdays (Angela): 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesdays (Dee) / Thursdays (Dee): 6:00 am to 7:00 am
Please note: EVENING Class of Wednesday, April 17th moved to
Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Workouts will consist of a warm-up and cool down (stretch) with HIIT interval style training which includes a combination of resistance / cardio exercises for a whole body workout. There are a variety of levels offered each class from beginner to advanced to allow you to be in control of your workout.
Pricing (includes GST):
$8.40/class = 2 times/week
$10.50/class = 1 time/week
If you join for 2 Fitness Classes/Week you're eligible for a 50% discount on a 4 Month Fitness Centre Membership. Please contact Dee Romijn for details at: 204-801-7629 (cell) or dromijn@caissecc.com
To allow for more flexibility and busy schedules, classes can be interchanged between sessions.
Pre-Registration is Required:
Register online at (before the session begins):
Register in-person (after the session begins) at the Caisse Community Centre by contacting Dee Romijn at dromijn@caissecc.com providing a completed registration form provided below.
It's never too late to register for classes as fees will be pro-rated if the session has begun.
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire required by NEW Fitness Classes Participants only.
Method of Payment:
1. in-person at the Caisse Community Centre pre-arranged by calling the office at 204-736-2679
2. by Visa or MasterCard by calling the office at 204-736-2679
3. by cheque (payable to the Caisse Community Centre)
For further information, please contact Dee Romijn at:
dromijn@caissecc.com | 204-801-7629 (cell)